cloaking device
Cloaking Device
cloaking device
cloaking device: future
cloaking device
cloaking device: past
cloaking device
cloaking device

(detail) made in partnership with Duane Bailey from folded pearlescent cardstock, 52" x 52" x 3", 2018

Cloaking Device
Cloaking Device

This sculpture shows a geometric slice of five-dimensional space-time. It is built from a single repeating diamond with golden proportions, a special ratio of numbers that occur frequently in the geometry of nature. The sculpture’s diamond-shaped tiles slant at different angles according to their measurements in five-dimensional space. We coded them into contrasting colors. Each axis has one light and one dark color, to show past and future.

Observing from different angles causes color shifts and distortions to the geometry. Rhythmic visual sequences appear and disappear. These optical properties become even more fascinating at a very small scale. Scientists are exploring patterns like this at nanoscale for their potential to act as a cloaking device, or invisibility shield.

made in partnership with Duane Bailey from folded pearlescent cardstock, 52" x 52" x 3", 2018

cloaking device
cloaking device

made in partnership with Duane Bailey from folded pearlescent cardstock, 52" x 52" x 3", 2018

cloaking device

(in progress) made in partnership with Duane Bailey from folded pearlescent cardstock, 52" x 52" x 3", 2017

cloaking device: future
cloaking device: future

(in progress) made in partnership with Duane Bailey from folded pearlescent cardstock, 52" x 52" x 3", 2017

cloaking device
cloaking device

preliminary sketch with color palette. made in partnership with Duane Bailey, computer print 48” x 48”, folded pearlescent cardstock, 2016

cloaking device II

This sculpture was made by folding small rectangular cards into diamonds that nest together, each surrounded by four triangular wings. In math, this type of construction is called business card origami.

Each winged diamond slants at a different angle and corresponds to five-dimensional space-time. Pale tiles represent the backward arrow of time, and darker colors, the future. Each of the five axis has two colors, so there are ten in all. As the viewer moves around the sculpture light bounces off pearlescent surfaces blending the color palette.

made in partnership with Duane Bailey from folded pearlescent cardstock, 52" x 52" x 3", 2017

cloaking device: past
cloaking device: past

(in progress) made in partnership with Duane Bailey from folded pearlescent cardstock, 52" x 52" x 3", 2017